Foto de Pujol Sanchez España

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  • PUJOL & SÁNCHEZ forms an artists´tandem which together well or separately, the necessary ingredients contribute, doing of the art an experimental bridge, in constant search ofthe new concepts to the margin of conventional looks.

  • Abstract Expressionism. Action Painting/Colour field-painting

  • At his own work-taller, alternating orders of museums, institutions and individuals, simultaneously that...

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Foto de Pujol Sanchez España

  • PUJOL & SÁNCHEZ forms an artists´tandem which together well or separately, the necessary ingredients contribute, doing of the art an experimental bridge, in constant search ofthe new concepts to the margin of conventional looks.

  • Abstract Expressionism. Action Painting/Colour field-painting

  • At his own work-taller, alternating orders of museums, institutions and individuals, simultaneously that realizes exhibitions and projects.

  • Found in 2008 THE CAVERN ART, cultural non-profit-making association and national area, located in Extremadura (SPAIN) with the purpose of resting, promoting and spreading the art and all his manifestations, national and internationalment.

FROM THE ABSTRACT EXPRESSIONISM TO THE ART BRUTE Pictorially, Charlie Pujol's work is an allegation to the madness, to the deliriums of the memory and the Freudian meaning of the dreams. The psychology of the daily objects, filtered through the substratum of the author's poetry, loaded with denunciation and critique to the well versed system, is influenced by the pictorial American tradition, where the visual impact acquires protagonism, foreign to modes and trends ". JOSÉ LUÍS LÓPEZ ARANGUREN, ideologist. Santiago de Compostela. 1986

An empiric atmosphere, sowed of cloudy , where life and death, they are present. Natural catastrophes, terrorism, pain, coexist in another urban landscape, where ghosts, spectra and paranormal phenomena, they are mute witnesses, completing the fauna it semi-humanizes of the Sol Sánchez´s work. A work loaded with Light and Colour, which catches the spectator and leads it to wonderful worlds. The God's idea and the Origin of the man, formed of an emptiness where, the domain of the perspective, she brings over secret, translucent prominent figures, involved in geometry, to a reality of dream. An exciting trip without return . J. PELLICER. Publishing Old Wolf 2005.

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